Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Tips Mengamankan Software Komputer

Tiga komponen yang saling mendukung dalam proses pekerjaan komputasi adalah Hardware (Perangkat Keras), Software (Perangkat Lunak) dan Brainware (Orang yang mengoperasikan komputer), kali ini kita bicarakan software/perangkat lunak yang bekerja menghubungkan kita bahasa manusia dengan bahasa mesin yang hanya tahu bahasa 0 dan 1 (on dan off atau binary).

Dengan adanya software membantu kita menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Program/Software untuk menjalankan proses komputer yang paling awal adalah “Operating System/Sistem Operasi), dengan program tersebut sebagai dasar komputer mengenali perangkat-perangkat (hardware) yang mendukung pekerjaan komputasi dari awal (booting), menyiapkan dasar operasi sebelum software yang bersifat aplikasi berjalan kemudian. [baca selanjutnya]

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

:: Warnet Baru

Nama: Lastri
E-mail: rismakavana@yahoo.com
Judul: Warnet Baru
Isi Iklan: Telah Dibuka REX NET, INTERNET,JL.Monjali 13C Yogyakarta depan Bakso pak narto
Lesehan dan Full AC. Koneksi banter bisa buat donlod tarif 2000 per jam
Website: rexnet.net
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-26 13:29:36

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

:: harta qarun internet

Nama: ikkyoe2
E-mail: ikkyoe2@gmail.com
Judul: harta qarun internet
Isi Iklan: www.hartaqaruninternet.com. bisnis menguntungkan dengan modal kecil.. buktikan!
Website: http://www.hartaqaruninternet.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-25 08:23:28

:: Solusi masalah keuangan anda..

Nama: Handika sabat firgiawan lukas
E-mail: joe_flizoe@yahoo.co.id
Judul: Solusi masalah keuangan anda..
Isi Iklan: Hanya dengan membeli software seharga Rp.155.000 dan menginstallnya diflashdisk anda,anda sudah dapat mendapatkan uang secara online..
Website: www.kecepatanusaha.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-25 06:53:37

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

:: Bisnis Online Gratis atau Lowongan Kerja?

Nama: Zinno Moelianto
E-mail: zinno.mully@gmail.com
Judul: Bisnis Online Gratis atau Lowongan Kerja?
Isi Iklan: Untuk yang sedang mencari informasi bisnis online gratis atau sedang mencari informasi lwongan kerja, Segera kunjungi zinnos2000 dan dapatkan informasinya... Buruan...
Website: www.zinnos2000.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-24 12:56:28

:: pasang iklan gratis

Nama: http://iklanmudisini.blogspot.com/
: andreasdark6@gmail.com
Judul: pasang iklan gratis
Isi Iklan: pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar disini dan iklan anda langsung tampil diSELURUH BLOG saya
Website: http://submiteiklan.blogspot.com/
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-24 04:39:37

:: cerita dewasa

Nama: cerita dewasa
E-mail: bispak@bispak.com
Judul: cerita dewasa
Isi Iklan: kumpulan cerita bokep, kumpulan cerita dewasa kumpulan cerita dewasa 17 kumpulan cerita dewasa hot kumpulan cerita dewasa indonesia kumpulan cerita dewasa ngentot kumpulan cerita dewasa panas kumpulan cerita dewasa sedarah kumpulan cerita dewasa terbaru kumpulan cerita ngentot kumpulan cerita seks kumpulan cerita seks dewasa memek tante memek tante girang kunjungi http://ceritadewasa.net84.net/
Website: http://ceritadewasa.net84.net/
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-23 21:46:56

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

:: Lowongan Kerja

Nama: Yuli
E-mail: arief_edy@yahoo.com
Judul: Lowongan Kerja
Isi Iklan: Dibutuhkan dalam jumlah yang banyak :
1. TKI ditempatkan di Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau sebagai PLRT (dapat uang saku).
2. TKI ditempatkan di Malaysia sebagai tenaga kerja operator produksi.

Bagi yang berminat hubungi Ibu Yuli 081331089365. Proses tanpa biaya dan cepat.
Website: www.suryapacificjaya.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-23 01:56:34

:: Info Bisnis Online Gratis

Nama: Zinno Moelianto
E-mail: zinno.mully@gmail.com
Judul: Info Bisnis Online Gratis
Isi Iklan: Teman-teman netter yang sedang cari duit alternatif dan butuh informasi mengenai bisnis gratis, silahkan kunjungi zinnos2000 untuk mendapatkan informasi tersebut, Salam sukses.
Website: www.zinnos2000.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-22 15:28:28

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

BI: Pembobolan ATM Teratasi

Bank Indonesia (BI) mengklaim masalah pembobolan dana nasabah bank kini sudah bisa teratasi. Hingga Kamis (21/1/2010), sudah tidak ada tambahan kerugian akibat pembobolan dari bank. "Dari laporan terakhir bank, sampai dengan hari ini tidak terdapat perubahan yang signifikan atas potensi kerugian material pada hari sebelumnya, yaitu sekitar Rp 5 miliar dari 4 bank," jelas Kepala Biro Humas BI, Didi A. Johansyah dalam siaran persnya, Jumat (22/1/2010).

"Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa bank telah mampu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dan dengan demikian masyarakat tetap aman menggunakan kartu ATM sebagaimana biasa," imbuh Didi. Ia menambahkan, BI juga telah memerintahkan bank untuk mengganti kerugian nasabah segera setelah proses verifikasi kerugian selesai dilakukan.

Sementara bank diminta mengganti kartu ATM nasabah yang dicurigai telah dicuri datanya dan melakukan edukasi kepada nasabah dan masyarakat mengenai keamanan penggunaan kartu ATM. BI juga telah meminta bank untuk memeriksa dan mendeteksi serta meningkatkan keamanan mesin-mesin ATM dan EDC (Electronic Data Capture) baik secara sistem maupun secara fisik atau lokasinya. "BI juga menghimbau agar nasabah selalu meneliti dan memperhatikan kondisi saat menggunakan mesin ATM maupun EDC," imbuh Didi.

Sejumlah bank kemarin memang telah mempublikasikan kerugian yang diderita nasabah akibat aksi pembobolan yang diduga dilakukan sindikat internasional. Diantaranya adalah:

* BCA: 200 nasabah dibobol dengan kerugian sekitar Rp 5 miliar
* BNI: 19 nasabah dengan kerugian sekitar Rp 200 juta
* BRI: 3 nasabah dengan kerugian sekitar Rp 48,5 juta.

BI juga memberikan sejumlah tips yang bisa digunakan masyarakat agar terhindar dari pembobolan:
Melindungi kerahasiaan PIN antara lain dengan cara:
1. Menjaga kerahasiaan PIN

* Gantilah PIN secara berkala
* Menutup dengan tangan ketika memasukkan PIN sehingga PIN tidak dilihat oleh pihak lain,
* Tidak terpancing memberikan PIN kepada pihak lain yang seolah-olah merupakan petugas bank dan meminta nasabah untuk menyebutkan atau menginput nomor PIN

2. Memperhatikan kondisi fisik ATM dan sekililingnya dan apabila ada hal-hal yang mencurigakan, nasabah diharapkan tidak menggunakan ATM tersebut dan segera melaporkan kepada pihak bank terdekat dan atau kepada pihak berwajib.

3. Pada saat bertransaksi menggunakan kartu ATM pada merchant (toko yang bekerja sama dengan pihak perbankan), diharapkan nasabah memperhatikan kondisi alat EDC, bila terdapat alat (device) mencurigakan yang menempel pada EDC atau hal lain yang mencurigakan, nasabah dihimbau tidak bertransaksi dan segera melaporkan kepada pihak bank terdekat atau kepada pihak berwajib.

4. Segera blokir kartu ATM bila menemukan kejanggalan transaksi
5. Cari lokasi ATM yang relatif aman
6. Jangan mudah percaya dengan bantuan orang lain di sekitar ATM, waspadalah selalu.

Sumber : detikFinance

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010


Nama: Hendra
E-mail: mwm_promo@yahoo.com

Submit CV and surat lamaran ke mwm_promo@yahoo.com
Website: www.mwmpromo.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-21 01:35:49

:: Jaritmatika Jogja

Nama: Tatag
E-mail: winasis_family@yahoo.com
Judul: Jaritmatika Jogja
Isi Iklan: Jaritmatika Jogja, info lebih detail buka : www.jaritmatikajogja.blogspot.com
HP 08156807319
Website: www.jaritmatikajogja.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-20 22:21:59

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010


Nama: Tours Gallery
E-mail: toursgallery@live.com

BALI 3 Hari 2 Malam Rp. 1.459.000,- / orang

Day 1 : Transfer In

Day 2 : Kintamani / Bedugul Full Day Tour ( Pilih salah satu ) (B/L)

Day 3 : Transfer Out (B)

BALI 4 Hari 3 Malam Rp. 1.659.000,- / orang

Day 1 : Transfer In

Day 2 : Kintamani Full Day Tour (B/L)

Day 3 : Bedugul Full Day Tour (B/L)

Day 4 : Transfer Out (B)

Paket Termasuk : Tiket Pesawat PP, Transfer In & Out, Akomodasi, Sharring Tour, Guide ,
Makan Sesuai Program, Tiket Masuk Atraksi & Obyek Wisata.

Paket Tidak Termasuk : Airport Tax, Tip, High Season Surcharge (saat musim liburan)

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Hubungi :


Phone : 02170463995 Fax : 021 8849252

Email : toursgallery@live.com YM : cici_hizkianjani@yahoo.com
Website: www.toursgallery.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-19 01:49:47

:: Lowongan Guru Inklusi

Nama: SDK Rahmani Bojong Indah
E-mail: nyno_tj@yahoo.com
Judul: Lowongan Guru Inklusi
Isi Iklan: SD Kristen Rahmani Bojong Indah, membutuhkan Guru kelas inklusi.

Syarat :
S1 Pendidikan Khusus

Kirim Lamaran ke :
SDK Rahmani II Bojong Indah
Jl. Durian V, No. 1, Rawa Buaya,
Cengakareng, Jak-Bar 11740
Paling Lambat akhir tahun ajaran 2009-2010
Informasi : 021 - 5816291
atau email ke : nyno_tj@yahoo.com
Website: nyno_tj@yahoo.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-18 23:45:15

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

:: ramuan asli dan mujarab kalimantan

Nama: sari kalimantan
E-mail: rosi_buntok@yahoo.com
Judul: ramuan asli dan mujarab kalimantan
Isi Iklan: jual ramuan tradisonal asli kalimantan tengah.
Website: rosi_buntok@yahoo.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-18 00:22:16

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

:: SEDOT WC TANGERANG TLP:021-9466-8989

Nama: jefry
E-mail: jefryloek@yahoo.com
Judul: SEDOT WC TANGERANG TLP:021-9466-8989










Kami siap membantu permasalahan WC anda




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Sediakan tempat sampah di dalam kamar madi anda itu salah satu untuk menghindari WC mampet
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jika saluran air anda mampet hubungi kami segera

0816 183 9992
Website: sedot-wc-mampet-tangerang.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-17 00:52:23

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

:: uang ghoib ??

Nama: sugar
E-mail: sugar.harry@yahoo.co.id
Judul: uang ghoib ??
Isi Iklan: Dear All,
Berikut tips dan trik membayar hutang dan kartu kredit simple dan yang penting Gak bakalan tertipu, gimana mau tertipu peserta nya berganti terus dan Anda yang pilih sendiri, emang banyak komentar yang miring. Yang jelas program ini cuma bantuan dan tolong menolong sambil menuai hasil bagi yang mau ikutan, dan gak ganggu orang, gak bobol ATM, yang pasti gak KORUPSI dan gak nipu rakyat. Dijamin 100% khusus bagi yang sedang mengalami masalah keuangan. Bagi yang mau ikut monggo, yang tidak juga monggo ... Dan kuncinya ikhlas dan punya keinginan mengatasi masalah keuangan.

Semula saya mendapat e-mail ini dari sesorang yang tidak saya kenal dan hampir saya mendeletenya, ternyata setelah saya baca saya sangat tertarik dengan program dari email tersebut. Dan saya sangat berterimakasih sekali kepada yang mengrimkan e-mail ini. Jujur kondisi saya saat menerima e-mail ini sangat terjepit hutang. Melalui program ini semoga Saya, Anda dapat menyelesaikan hutang hutang Saya dan Anda, saudara dan teman Anda. Dengan cara bergotong royong serta penuh keikhlasan untuk membantu dan menolong orang lain dan diri Anda sendiri.

Transfer uang sebesar Rp 50.000,- ke Rekening Bank ke peserta no.1,2,3,4 (lihat daftar peserta di dibawah), karena ini memang haknya. Anda juga akan mengalami hal serupa dengan sendirinya bila nama Anda sudah tercantum sebagai peserta. Sekali lagi, disini dituntut kejujuran dan keikhlasan Anda.

Dan yang lebih penting, jumlah uang yang ditransfer adalah Rp.50.000,- tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. INILAH KUNCINYA !! Dan saat mentransfer jangan terpaksa dan harus ikhlas, karena ini berupa bantuan dan bukan paksaan. Oleh karena itu program ini diberi nama
"Arisan Kejujuran dan SAmbung RAsa" (AKSARA). Percayalah, tanpa kejujuran dari Para peserta maka permainan ini akan gagal total dan tidak ada yang mendapat hasil maksimal!! Hanya dengan kejujuran maka semua akan mendapat Ganjaran yang setimpal. Percayalah,kejujuran dan kesertaan Anda Akan membuahkan hasil! Selamat bergabung bersama kami &sukses untuk semuanya!

Kita ambil perumpamaan seorang mengirimkan 40 email:
POSISI 4 : Anda mengirimkan 40 e-mail ini kepada peserta Anda.
POSISI 3 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan tersebar ke 1.600 orang (40 x 40 ).
POSISI 2 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan tersebar Ke 64.000 orang (1600 x 40).
POSISI 1 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan tersebar ke 2.560.000 orang (64.000 x 40). Ini berarti 2.560.000 x Rp 50.000 = Rp
Ya, angka di atas adalah bukan hasil tipu menipu tetapi berdasarkan perhitungan logis formula matematika. Ingat, ini bukan bisnis penggandaan uang melainkan arisan gotong royong dengan jumlah yang nyaris tidak seberapa (Rp.50.000,-) tetapi memanfaatkan jumlah rakyat Indonesia yang besar dan juga fasilitas internet.
Namun jika Anda "berhasil"pergunakanlah uang tersebut untuk hal yang baik baik, dan jangan untuk berbuat dosa. Dan bersyukurlah. Gunakanlah sebagian uang tersebut untuk kegiatan amal.....

AKAN TETAPI PATUT DIINGAT!!! Angka di atas Adalah hasil maksimum, yaitu bila semua peserta benar-benar berpartisipasi dengan mengirimkan e-mail ini dan mentransfer uangnya ke orang-orang yang ditentukan.Harus diakui, jarang terjadi hal ideal


1.IGNAZ BRAMONO (ignazbramono@hotmail.com)
BCA Cab Cinere - Jakarta
No Rek.2671423501

2.Sugeng Hariadi (sugar.harry@yahoo.co.id)
BCA Cab Klampis
No Rek.5200220848

3. Ivo Andayani (syafiqivo@yahoo.co.id)
Bank Mandiri Cab. Binjai
No Rek. 1060006852555

4. Dewantoro Gunawan (dgwarning@ymail.com)
Bank Muamalat Cab. Kediri
No Rek. 6019239109666899

Ubahlah daftar peserta sebagai berikut:
Hapus peserta posisi no.1( setelah anda transfer uang Rp.20.000 ke semua pihak).
Ubah posisi peserta no. 2 menjadi no. 1.
Ubah posisi peserta no. 3 menjadi no. 2.
Ubah posisi peserta no. 4 menjadi no. 3.
Untuk peserta posisi no. 4 cantumkan Nama, Alamat E-Mail dan
No. Rekening Bank ANDA.

Teliti nama dan nomor rekening yang Anda ketik ulang, jangan terjadi kesalahan, karena dapat merugikan peserta lain atau Anda sendiri. Untuk menghindari kesalahan sebaiknya Anda gunakan "Cut" dan "Paste".
Kirimkan E-Mail ini kepada orang lain sebanyak-banyaknya (semakin banyak semakin baik), siapapun yang Anda inginkan teman, tentu saja setelah Anda mencantumkan nama Anda pada posisi nomor 4. Setelah mengirimkan e-mail tersebut, maka selesailah tugas Anda.
Kirimkan secepatnya kepada orang lain setelah anda menerima e-mail ini. Semakin Cepat, semakin baik, karena semakin cepat pula Anda mendapatkan hasilnya. Anda diminta untuk tidak serakah atau berbuat curang. Ikuti petunjuk dengan seksama. Bersabarlah menunggu 3 - 5 minggu.

Ya Selamat bergabung, Selamat mencoba ... Semoga Berhasil.

Website: www.gembik.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-15 20:58:46

:: Bisnis Gratis

Nama: Muhamad Arif N
E-mail: junogokil@telkom.net
Judul: Bisnis Gratis
Isi Iklan: Bisnis online 100% GRATIR,sumber penghasilan terbaik masyarakat Indonesia menuju Kebebasan Finansial VIA internet sudah di depan anda,tunggu apa lagi?
Website: http://www.komisiGRATIS.com/?id=junogokil
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-15 13:55:24

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

:: For Sale Branded New Nokia N97 32GB Unlocked Sealed

Nama: Allan
E-mail: electphonescafe@gmail.com
Judul: For Sale Branded New Nokia N97 32GB Unlocked Sealed
Isi Iklan: New Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB (Unlocked)

The phone ( Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the
box , comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international
warranty from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network
provider or sim card.

Package Content

1 Apple Stereo Ear Buds with micphone
1 Apple Dock
1 Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable
1 Apple USB power adapter wall charger
1 Apple iPhone User Guide
1 Apple Cleaning/polishing cloth
1 Apple Original Box (Collector?s item)

CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648

New Apple iPhone 3G 16GB (Unlocked)

The phone ( Apple iPhone 3G 16GB ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the
box , comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international
warranty from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network
provider or sim card.

Package Content:

Apple iPhone 16GB 3G
Stereo Headset with mic
Dock Connector to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
Cleaning/polishing cloth
SIM eject tool
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648
Brand New / Unlocked Sony Ericsson Xperia 1

The phone ( Sony Ericsson Xperia 1 ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the
box , comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international
warranty from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network
provider or sim card.

Package content:

Sony Ericsson Xperia 1
BST-41 Battery
CST-80 Charger
HPM-75/J Stereo Handsfree
MNU-70 Data Cable
User?s Guide
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648
Brand New / Unlocked Samsung i900 Omnia 16GB

The phone ( Samsung i900 Omnia 16GB ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in
the box , comes with complete accessories, comes with 1 Year international
warranty from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network
provider or sim card.

Package content:
1 Samsung i900 Phone
1 AB653850CE Battery
1 ATADS10UBE Charger
1 Stereo Handsfree
1 USB Cable
4 EarPlug
1 User?s Guide
1 Stylus
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648
Brand New / Unlocked HTC Touch HD T8282

The phone ( HTC Touch HD T8282 ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the box
, comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international warranty
from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network provider or
sim card.

Package content:

HTC Touch HD Phone T8282
8GB TransFlash Card
Stereo Handsfree Kit
USB Cable
OEM AC Adapter w/ Foreign Plug Adapter if needed
Stylus (x2)
Carrying Pouch
Screen Proctector (x2)
Software CD-ROMs
User?s Manual / Warranty Card / Additional Documentation
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648
Brand New Blackberry 9000 Bold (unlocked)

The phone ( Blackbery Bold 9000 ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the
box , comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international
warranty from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network
provider or sim card.

Package Content

Blackberry 9000 Bold (unlocked)
Standard battery 1500 mAh Li-Ion
AC Travel charger
USB data cable
Leather case
User manual
Sync software CD-ROM
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648
Brand New / Unlocked Nokia N97 32GB

The phone ( Nokia N97 32GB ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the box ,
comes with complete accessories , comes with 1 Year international warranty
from the manufacture and the phone will work with any network provider or
sim card.

Package content:
1 Nokia N97 Phone
1 BL-5F Battery
1 DC-4 Charger
1 CA-101 Data Cable
1 CA-75U AV Cable
1 HS-45 Handsfree
1 User?s Guide.
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@gmail.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS : electphonescafe@yahoo.com
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS :electphonescafe@hotmail.com
MSN MESSENGER : electphonescafe1@hotmail.com
MOBILE PHONE NUMBER : +447024044648

Website: www.electphonescafeltd.cc.cc
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-15 01:18:17

:: For Sale Branded New Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB

Nama: Allan
E-mail: electphonescafe@gmail.com
Judul: For Sale Branded New Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB
Isi Iklan: New Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB (Unlocked)

The phone ( Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB ) is unlocked , brand new , sealed in the
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The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-15 01:16:18

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The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-14 16:13:39

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

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The message has been sent from (United States) at 2010-01-14 12:59:19

Roket (Richard Naka)


There are certainly countless solid propellant formulations that have been tried by amateur experimentalists over the years. Some have been very successful and have gained worldwide popularity, although undoubtedly most formulations have been simply downright failures, or at best, marginally successful. Surely anyone who has ever been involved in AER can cite formulations that they have tried without success, including myself. The very first propellants that I experimented with were zinc/sulphur as well as black powder. For whatever the reasons, I had no luck with either. Other experimentalists, however, have had good (or even great) success with these. The rocket propellant that provided great results for me in my early work was the potassium nitrate-sucrose formulation. Interestingly, certain other experimenters at that time had only limited success with it. Clearly, it can be said that many propellant formulations simply won't work (e.g. bad chemistry), some work, but are of limited value (due to cost, difficult to produce, safety concerns, lack reproducibility, etc.), and yet there are other formulations that will function very well -- conditionally. What exactly does this mean?

In hindsight, the reason that I did not have success with the zinc/sulphur or blackpowder propellants was certainly due to the methodology I employed in usage, not a fault with the propellants, per se. The key to success with any viable propellant is knowledge of the propellant with regard to its particular properties and its usage. For example, the exact ratio of constituents strongly affects how well a propellant will perform. "Perform" is meant in a broad sense, encompassing such parameters as specific impulse, burn rate, mechanical properties, castability (or formability), reproducibility, etc. Getting it right such that all these performance parameters are met, to a reasonable degree, is a daunting task. What adds to the challenge is that this is only part of the picture. There are other complicating factors that have a strong impact on whether a propellant will behave satisfactorily. For example, grain (particle) size of the oxidizer, or its purity, effective blending of the constituents, cure time, moisture content, and even the particular shape of the propellant grain may or may not be suited to a particular propellant. It can therefore be said that the key to consistent success with a formulation (that is known to work well historically) is to follow the correct methodology in preparation and appropriateness of usage. Meeting these conditions will greatly enhance the likelihood of success.

Solid Propellant Requirements for the Amateur Experimentalist

With amateur rocketry, unlike professional rocketry, the availability of materials, the facilities and processes by which rocket propellants and motors may be produced, as well as available financing, vary greatly. And clearly these pale in comparison. As such, a clear distinction must be made between the needs of the professional, and the needs of the amateur, with regard to requirements defining an ideal rocket propellant. More importantly, what works well for one person, may not work at all for another. Expanding on this thought, what is suitable for one person, may not be at all suitable for another. Therefore, the list that follows is not presented in any particular order, as the importance of each would vary by individual. The exception are the first two items, which must always be of primary importance.

  1. Safety of handling, storage, and usage
  2. Toxicity of the constituents and products of combustion
  3. Availability of the constituents
  4. Predictability of performance
  5. Consistency of performance
  6. Adequacy of performance
  7. Formability (or castability)
  8. Cost
  9. Practical burning characteristics
  10. Ease of formulation
Expanding on these ten requirements:
  1. Safety of handling, storage, and usage -- These requirements apply to the individual constituents separately, as well as in combination. In combination, all the intermediate steps leading to the final prepared form of the propellant must be considered.
    Some of the factors to be considered for the individual constituents are sensitivity to ignition by friction, static charges, impact or shock. Chlorates should be avoided for this reason. Certain finely divided materials, such as magnesium and aluminum, require particular care in handling and storage due to possible "spontaneous combustion" and static charge sensitivity. High auto-ignition temperature is desirable for those propellants which are prepared at elevated temperature, as well as low melting point of the binder. A propellant should, ideally, not burn at atmospheric pressure, although nearly all do.

  2. Toxicity of the constituents and products of combustion -- Ideally, the propellant constituents as well as the exhaust products should be non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and non-corrosive. Certain composite propellants require a catalyst (or curing agent). Typically, these contain isocyanates which require special handling procedures. Polyester and epoxy, when utilized as a fuel, binder or inhibitor, also require care in handling (such as impervious gloves, proper ventilation, and eye protection) due to sensitivities that may develop due to prolonged exposure. Ammonium perchlorate based propellants produce corrosive hydrochloric acid as an exhaust product.

  3. Availability of the constituents -- This requirement is probably the one that would differ the most amongst those involved in AER. A local source is preferable, especially for the oxidizers, as these have special shipping requirements and cannot be send through the regular post. Oxidizers such as potassium nitrate (KN) and ammonium nitrate (AN) are likely the most readily available, as both are commonly used as fertilizers, and have many other commercial uses as well. For example, my local drugstore sells both of these in the form of pharmaceutical products.

  4. Predictability of performance -- In order to investigate the performance characteristics of a rocket motor, and therefore be able to predict how high and fast a rocket will go, it is desirable to be able to study the theoretical performance that a propellant will deliver. As such, it is necessary to know the chemical makeup of the constituents in order to perform a combustion analysis, or to examine the effects of changing the proportions of the constituents (e.g. O/F ratio). Some materials are a complex mixture of chemicals. Examples are asphalt and charcoal, which often vary significantly in chemical makeup from one source to another. Combustion analysis (using a software program such as PEP) allows the determination of ideal specific impulse and flame temperature, and exhaust gas properties. These parameters are most useful in the design of motors. For example, knowing the flame temperature is important for choosing nozzle material. The gas properties aid in the design of the nozzle geometry. In addition to theoretical analysis, it is desirable to obtain empirical data on the propellant, such a pressure and temperature influence on burn rate.

  5. Consistency of performance -- Firing a rocket motor repeatedly with identical grains should yield similar, or consistent, performance results, time and again. This goal can be difficult to meet , for example, with powdered or compressed grain propellants (or those using evaporative binders) as reproducibility is hard to achieve, at least for the amateur, without specialized equipment. Heat cast propellants offer excellent reproducibility, due to the inherent simplicity of the method. Composite propellants also have the potential to generate consistent performance, although particular care must be exercised in the preparation, as a greater number of steps and ingredients are involved.

  6. Adequacy of performance -- Although there is a natural tendency to want to employ high performance propellants in a rocket motor, this is not always a good approach. With relatively small rocket motors (say, size M or under) that amateurs typically produce, there is arguably little benefit in using a high performance propellant. This is especially true if the complexities in producing the propellant, cost or tradeoffs such are reliability are introduced. If a more powerful motor is required, it is simple enough to scale up a motor that utilizes a lower impulse propellant. For motors of appreciably larger size, however, use of higher impulse propellants become imperative. Scaling up low impulse motors eventually leads to diminishing returns, whereby the mass of the propellant (and therefore takeoff mass of the rocket) becomes so great that it imposes a severe limitation on altitude goals or payload potential.

  7. Formability (or castability) -- Casting a propellant grain is the most common and is arguably the best method of producing a reliable grain. If a propellant has a high percentage of solids, casting by means of pouring or scooping is not possible, as the mixture is dough-like. Packing may be successfully employed, although great care is necessary to prevent the inclusion of voids due to trapped air or a result of inadequate packing pressure. The same holds true for cast mixtures, but the likelihood of voids is less due to the greater fluidity of the material.

  8. Cost -- Cost is a particularly important consideration for most amateur experimentalists. Since the money comes out of our own pockets, is not recovered, and is generally quite limited, the choice of which propellant we employ for our projects is often based largely on cost of ingredients. This is especially true considering that all expenses incurred in a project, not only for propellant, must be borne ourselves. Fortunately, there are a number of propellant formulations that are low in cost, and do not impose a burden on our pocketbooks.

  9. Practical burning characteristics -- In order for a rocket propellant to be practical, it must have acceptable combustion characteristics when burned in a rocket motor. Successful solid propellants burn at a greater rate when combustion occurs under pressure, as experienced inside an operating rocket motor. However, there are bounds within which the rate should increase. Not too little, and not too much. If the burn rate does not increase sufficiently, the pressure within the motor may not develop to a level as to produce useful thrust. On the other hand, if the propellant burn rate is too sensitive to pressure, severe fluctuations in operating pressure could result, or worse, the motor may overpressurize too easily. The physical parameter that is used to measure a burn rate sensitivity to pressure, of a given propellant, is called the pressure exponent. The pressure exponent is determined through experimental measurement, and for most practical propellants the value lies between 0.2 and 0.7.

  10. Ease of formulation -- The preparation of a particular propellant may be as uncomplicated as the blending of two chemicals together, then packing into a motor. For example, this is the simplest means of preparing zinc/sulphur propellant. On the other hand, certain composite propellant formulations require multiple steps to be carried out. For example, careful grinding of the oxidizer to a predetermined particle sizes before blending. As the number of constituents may total eight or more, each of which has to be precisely weighed (or measured), then mixed meticulously for a certain time period. A curative may then be added, then blended, before packing into moulds before the mixture sets. Just how important the "ease of formulation" is, is very much up to the individual experimenter to decide. Generally speaking, the novice experimenter should aim for simplicity in formulation until enough experience in propellant and motor making has been accumulated to be confident enough to attempt more complicated formulations.

Compendium of Solid Propellants

The following is a partial list of solid rocket propellants that have been used successfully by amateur experimentalists. Note that there are are certainly other formulations that I am not presently familiar with:
  1. Potassium Nitrate/Sucrose (or KN/SU)
  2. Potassium Nitrate/Sorbitol (or KN/SO)
  3. Potassium Nitrate/Dextrose (or KN/DX)
  4. Zinc/Sulphur (or Micrograin)
  5. Blackpowder (KN/Charcoal/Sulphur)
  6. Ammonium Nitrate/HTPB polymer /Magnesium (or AN/HTPB/Mg)
  7. Ammonium Nitrate/Urethane (or AN/UR)
  8. Ammonium Perchlorate/Silicone II
  9. Ammonium Perchlorate/PBAN polymer/Epoxy
  10. Ammonium Perchlorate/PBAN polymer/Epoxy/Aluminum
  11. Ammonium Perchlorate/HTPB polymer/Aluminum
  12. Ammonium Perchlorate/PVC (or AP/PVC)
  13. Potassium Perchlorate/Sucrose (or PP/SU)
  14. Potassium Perchlorate/Epoxy
  15. Potassium Perchlorate/Asphalt
Notes on these propellants:

1-3 These three propellants are those which I have direct experience with. KN/SU is the "classic" formulation, KN/SO was developed in the early 1980's, and KN/DX is a recently developed formulation. This web site provides extensive information on these "sugar" propellants.

4 Zinc/Sulphur was a popular propellant during the 50's and 60's. Due to it's low impulse and rapid and uncontrollable burning rate, it has limited contemporary appeal. A typical ratio is 67.1% Zinc and 32.9% Sulphur. The "Photuris B" rockets described in C.L.Stong's The Amateur Scientist utilized a 75% Zinc/ 25% Sulphur mixture. More information may be found in Brinley's Rocket Manual for Amateurs or Bill Colburn's The Micrograin Rocket.

5 Pyrotechnic "skyrockets" as well as Estes type of model rocket engines use blackpowder as a propellant. The latter has propellant in the form of a highly compressed pellet comprised of 71.8% KN, 13.45% Sulphur, 13.8% Charcoal, and 0.95% Dextrin.

6 CP Technologies has developed a composite propellant that is comprised of 20% HTPB (R45HT), 20% Magnesium (260#) and 60 PSAN (phase-stabilized Ammonium Nitrate). By most accounts, this seems to be a good propellant that is reasonably simple to produce and gives good performance. A drawback is with the use of magnesium powder, which requires particular care in handling, and is quite expensive. As well, the AN is very hygroscopic, necessitating proper storage of the AN and finished grains.

7 Of the polymers, polyurethane has one of the highest heating values. According to one source, a ratio in the range of 85-90% AN and 10-15% Polyurethane works well.

8 The use of GE Silicon II (GE280) as a fuel/binder with AP as an oxidizer is discussed in the paper Silicone II -- a New Fuel and Binder for Fireworks by Ken Burdick. See also the Journal of Pyrotechnics #8 (1998). Silicone has a no-stick property, like Teflon, which makes this formulation a interesting contender for grains with complex core shapes with large surface areas, such as star or cruciform.

9-10 These are two basic composite formulations. The addition of aluminum results in an increased specific impulse, as the reaction of aluminum with an oxidizer is very exothermic. The drawback with the use of PBAN is the requirement that curing occur at an elevated temperature (140oF) for several days. Detailed information on this propellant may be found in Terry McCreary's book Experimental Composite Propellant.

11 Another basic composite formulation. HTPB has the advantage over PBAN of curing at room temperature. The uncured mixture is typically doughlike, and packs nicely into a mould. Trapped air can be a problem, creating voids in the grains. Likewise, voids and bubbles can result from gases given off during curing (as a result of moisture absorption). Drawbacks also include the limited pot life once the curative has been added to the mixture. Quite a few ingredients are required (binder, plasticizer, Tepanol, cross-linking agent, curative and surfactant). The curative is an isocyanate, which requires stringent handling procedures, due to its toxic nature.
It is worth noting that the composite formulations (both PBAN and HTPB based) result in propellants that deliver excellent performance, have good mechanical properties, and offer potentially long burn times. Composite propellants burn with a brilliant hot flame, and it is really spectacular to watch a rocket take to the sky powered by a composite motor.

12 I have been made aware of a successful composite propellant which utilizes powdered PVC (polyvinychloride) as the fuel/binder, and AP as the oxidizer.

13 An early "sugar" formulation, this propellant apparently delivers good performance, but has a very high burn rate. The high pressure exponent of PP based propellants dictates the motor design, necessitating a nearly neutral grain configuration.

14 This formulation was developed by the Aurora Project Group for their sounding rocket project.

15 The "GALCIT" propellant used this formulation, with a 75%PP and 25% asphalt ratio. Brinley's book describes an advanced amateur rocket (being built at the time) that utilized 100 lbs. of this propellant.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-13 08:33:03


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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-13 07:11:10

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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-13 02:52:15

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-12 09:59:37

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

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Minggu, 10 Januari 2010


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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-10 04:05:12

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-06 22:32:30

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

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Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

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Senin, 04 Januari 2010

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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-03 22:55:35

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Website: http://christophorusdi.blogspot.com/2009/11/anda-hobi-fotografi-cek-yang-satu-ini.html
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-03 19:20:46

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

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Nama: Tutorial, Tips, Trik, Info.
E-mail: RI.Tarecha@gmail.com
Judul: Terima review blog
Isi Iklan: http://tarecha-web.blogspot.com review blog anda disini, dan dapatkan penggunjung yang melimpah, email RI.Tarecha@gmail.com
Website: http://tarecha-web.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-02 19:25:14

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

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Nama: Rick
E-mail: vml_shopping@yahoo.com
Judul: Jual Baru: Blackberry Bold 2 Onyx 9700 Smartphone & Apple Iphone 3G (s) 32GB (Unlocked)
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Untuk keterangan lebih Inquiry and Order Placement, Hubungi kami sebagai berikut:

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Beli 2 unit dan mendapatkan 1 unit GRATIS.
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Sony Playstation 3 60GB .....................$ 150USD

ALAMAT E-mail: vml_shopping@yahoo.com

KONTAK NAMA: Rick Carrey.
Website: www.hi.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (United Kingdom) at 2010-01-01 22:01:50

Tomat, Lancarkan Sirkulasi Darah

Aspirin dikenal sebagai obat yang digunakan sebagai analgesik (obat rasa sakit atau nyeri), antipiretik (obat demam), dan anti-inflamasi (obat peradangan). Banyak orang yang mengonsumsi aspirin untuk menghilangkan nyeri dan meningkatkan aliran darah dalam tubuh. Padahal, aspirin yang dikonsumsi secara terus menerus meskipun dalam dosis kecil dapat memberi efek samping seperti pendarahan di perut atau menimbulkan bisul.

Kini, suatu penelitian terbaru berhasil menemukan khasiat buah tomat sebagai pengganti aspirin. Obat alternatif ini memiliki manfaat yang sama namun jauh lebih sehat jika dibandingkan dengan obat-obatan kimiawi.

Biji tomat telah diidentifikasi sebagai komponen kunci untuk hidup lebih lama dan sebagai alternatif sehat pengganti aspirin. Berdasarkan hasil uji klinis, gel alami dalam biji buah tomat dapat membantu mengatur sirkulasi darah yang sehat dengan cara mencegah pembekuan darah. Dengan sirkulasi darah yang sehat, metabolisme tubuh pun akan lebih lancar dan membuat seseorang berumur lebih panjang.

Gel, yang tidak berwarna dan tidak berasa ini, dapat ditambahkan ke dalam makanan tanpa mengubah karakteristik makanan tersebut. Gel yang ditemukan oleh Professor Asim Dutta-Roy dari Rowett Institute, Aberdeen, ini sudah dipatenkan dan diberi nama Fruitflow. Ia menemukan khasiat biji tomat saat melakukan riset terhadap efek diet Mediterania yang dikenal banyak mengonsumsi sayuran terutama tomat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan aliran darah terlihat berjalan lebih lancar dalam waktu 3 jam setelah seseorang mengonsumsi biji tomat. Efek ini dapat bertahan selama 18 jam. Karena itu Profesor Asim menganjurkan agar buah tomat dikonsumsi secara rutin setiap hari.

“Hingga saat ini, tidak ada efek samping yang ditunjukan selama proses penelitian biji tomat,” tandas Professor Asim.

“Jika ingin membuat jus tomat, sebaiknya jangan pisahkan bijinya," tambah Profesor Asim.

Sumber : Conectique.com

Jumat, 01 Januari 2010


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Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-01 06:37:52

:: Jasa Hacking

Nama: Abdurrokhim
E-mail: cyberhacker57@yahoo.com
Judul: Jasa Hacking
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Website: cyberhacker57.blogspot.com
Kategori: Iklan Gratis

The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2010-01-01 00:23:42

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The message has been sent from (Indonesia) at 2009-12-31 14:05:44